Feel and Function Your Best with Chiropractic

A Comprehensive and Caring Approach for each Patient

At Duluth Chiropractic Clinic we are dedicated to providing you safe, effective chiropractic care to assist your body’s healing and improved performance. From pain relief to advanced sports performance, the staff at Duluth Chiropractic Clinic will help you reach your goals. Our healing techniques include chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue therapies (Graston, dry needling, massage) and exercise/rehabilitation so that you experience not just pain relief, but overall better health and performance. We want you to understand why your symptoms happened, provide excellent care so you get relief as quickly as possible and also provide education about practices that will prevent your pain from occurring again. Reach us at (218) 624-2452 to schedule your session!

Chiropractic Adjustments

Often referred to as spinal joint manipulations, this manual technique restores movement to joints that are restricted in various ranges of motion. If a joint is restricted in movement, pain and dysfunction result. Our doctors carefully assess and identify abnormal movement patterns and attempt to restore normal motion. This can result in immediate pain relief and allows the body to heal the injured area properly.

Soft Tissue Therapies

Rarely is a musculoskeletal pain just a joint or just a muscle issue. It is usually a combination of both and because of this the chiropractors at Duluth Chiropractic Clinic will always address both issues. We utilize numerous muscle techniques for overactive or hypertonic muscles including: deep tissue massage, cross-frictional massage, myofascial release, Graston Technique, post-isometric relaxation, neuromuscular re education and kinesiotaping.

Acupuncture/Dry Needling

Dr. Sundberg is licensed in acupuncture and uses acupuncture needles to release deep trigger points in the muscles of the body. This technique is often referred to as “dry needling”. Using acupuncture needles to release deep knots in the muscles that are difficult to get to with manual therapies can be extremely effective at relieving muscular pain.


Our doctors have taken extensive postgraduate training in screening for muscular weakness and imbalance. We can provide you with a customized “injury-specific” protocol that will rehabilitate your neck, back, or extremity dysfunction. Whether your body displays tightness, weakness or both, we will address any dysfunctional patterns to allow you to feel and function your best.

Discover how Duluth Chiropractic Clinic can help you feel and function your best.
(218) 624-2452.

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